High school
The wonders of high school
High school is the best time for you to join Next Generation Nations. Not only do you need no prior experience to start a club, but it's a great way for you to hone your leadership skills and develop your passions.
Let's be real. High school is tough, mainly because it's hard to figure out what you want to do in life. Working with NGN and the 2120 goals allows you to narrow these things down. The 2120 goals encompass every global issue, and NGN provides you with ample opportunity to work with all of them.
Furthermore, it allows you to build your resume if you plan to apply to college. As a 501c3 nonprofit organization, Next Generation Nations can offer you volunteer hours and leadership positions.
Programs available
As a high schooler, you get access to all of the following:
The NGN Global Challenges Conference, a competition where you can win thousands of dollars to bring your existing or new projects to life
Corporate Connections Webinars
Any events that is held by the NGN International Team
Ability to apply for leadership positions at the state level
Ability to apply for leadership positions at the international level
To learn about our programs and events, be sure to click the appropriate buttons. For info on leadership positions, please keep scrolling.
Next Generation Nations is always looking for new talent. As such, we are always recruiting.
If you'd like to become a chapter president, please fill out the chapter chartership form by clicking on the button.
If you are interested at working on the state or international level, please email shrutik@ngn.org with the following information.
Grade Level
Preferred Area of Work (Do you like to work with finances? Running events? Where would you like to gain more experience?)