NGN's 2022 Hackathon
This year, NGN will be hosting our very first Social Justice Hackathon. Teams of motivated students will compete to design strategic methods to combat one of the 21 Goals: NGN Goal #9. Teams will create a solution to a prompt which will be announced just prior to the event. Read below for more information!
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Registration is now open! Register fast to win exclusive deals, prizes, and potential advantages in the hackathon! Click here.
My Story
More people have been forcibly displaced from their homes than ever since World War ll, bringing the count to more than 82 million refugees and displaced people around the world. In the last decade alone, this count has doubled. The conversation around global refugee crisis needs to change especially in this ever increasing digital world and we want to take advantage of our technological advancements to create a solution for this issue. Using programming, artificial intelligence, and data analysis, we are hopeful of providing a sense of relief to the instability in the life of refugees.
As a whole, we are targeting NGN Goal #9: Building/Promoting Non-violent and Tolerant Societies. In response to current events and ongoing refugee displacement, we want to help those forced to migrate due to war & conflict. Through the hackathon, we hope to create apps/platforms/websites to aid refugees and asylum seekers.