Goal sixteen
Balance the global population.
Goal sixteen's mission statement is to reduce overcrowding and balance our population to help create a more sustainable society for all.
The rise of an aging population
Distorted sex ratios
Overcrowding and congestion are in urban areas and more developed nations
Poverty is a leading cause of overpopulation
Lack of Educational Resources
Higher death rates lead to booms in the population
Overpopulation is a leading cause of global warming, environmental pollution, and habitat loss
Deprivation of basic resources including;
freshwater, land on which you can cultivate, and fossil fuels
Empower Women and help them get out of poverty
Promote Family Planning
Educate about the risk of unplanned pregnancies
Government incentives
Bangalore CommunityShilpa Spoorthy shilpaspoorthy@gmail.com +91 910-893-3344 Instagram @ngnbengaluru HIG Colony, Dollars Colony, R.M.V. 2nd Stage, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560094, India
Bhubaneswar CommunityIpshita Pujari ipshitapujari@gmail.com +91 933-086-0875 Instagram @ngnodisha K8 Kalinga Nagar, Kalinganagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751003, India
Jalgaon CommunityPankaj Bhaiya ar_bpankaj@rediffmail.com 942-229-6800 Jalgaon, India
Mumbai CommunityTanay Nagar tanaynagar7@gmail.com 777-704-9753 Instagram @ngnmumbai Mumbai, India